We might be a little bonkers at Crossfit Bayswater 😂

Thanks @goodr for these super cool sunnies 😎😎 adding to the prize pool for the Bayswater Team Cup #1 Competition 🥳

The sunglasses stayed on but the hair didn`t stay in 🤣

Get your team registered! Registration is open via competition corner, link in BIO 🔗
For updates, more info please follow our Facebook event page:

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #goodr #sunnies #bonkers #wehavefuntogether #fitness #healthybodyhealthymind

Introducing, Team Power Queens and Jerks.

Josh, Trav, Kat and Lana with their team mascots Hendrix and Willow.

Level 2 Team.

The Bayswater Team Cup #1

Registration is open via competition corner, link in BIO & For updates, more info please follow our Facebook event page:




**Bayswater Team Cup #1

We are excited to announce Stefani Australasia as a Prize Sponsor.

Get your teams together and register through https:// competitioncorner.net/events9224

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #prizesponsor #crosstitcompetition #bayswaterteamcup1

It’s a WTF are they doing?! 😜 @sammyush’s idea.

Partner handstand holds for this weekends partner WOD coming right up & no but really now @capri7485 and @tajleila can do this it’s happening.....


#youcancallustalented #cfbw #crossfitbayswater
#influencenoone #crossfitgirls #crossfitbois #handstands

That feeling you get walking up to the barbell before you hit a lift 💛
#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #barbell #fitness #gym #weight #crossfit #healthybodyhealthymind

Bayswater Team Cup #1

How cool is this for a SPIRIT AWARD PRIZE😍 thanks to @gorilla_carts_anz

Date: Saturday 24th June 2023

Level 1 (similar to RX)
Level 2 (not as hard)
Teams of 4 - MMFF

Registration is open via competition corner, link in BIO 🔗

Get your teams registered!

All smiles from @jaimee__93 😊💪
#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #smiles #crossfitgirls #yeahthegirls #dumbbellworkout #fitness #healthybodyhealthymind

**Bayswater Team Cup #1

We are excited to announce @totaltoolsmornington as a Prize Sponsor.

Get your teams together and register through https:// competitioncorner.net/events9224

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #prizesponsor #crossfitcompetition #totaltoolsmornington #bayswaterteamcup1

Always watching 😍

7 Day Free Trial

Interested in trying out CF Bayswater.

Getting started is simple. To sign up for our 7 day FREE trial go to the link in our bio 🔗

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #crossfitcrew #community #functionalfitness #functionaltraining #fitness #crossfit #run
#bayswater #easternsuburbs #yarravalley #wod #goodvibes #healthybodyhealthymind

Meet our coaches.

Next up we have coach @lukeyreddy 💪

Work experience/time in the industry - actively coaching group fitness (Crossfit) for 7 years.

Favourite movement - Snatch (perfect mixture of power, speed, coordination and mobility).

Hobbies outside of Crossfit - all sports! I`m drawn to any competitive sport (team sport in particular) as a player and spectator.

Why I started and continue to coach - I get a lot of personal fulfilment from supporting people achieve their goals. It`s my way of `giving back`.

Being alongside individuals as they make small progressions and then reach ultimate goals is as exciting for me, as it is for the athlete!

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #meetourcoaches #crossfitcoach #healthybodyhealthymind

**Bayswater Team Cup #1

We are excited to announce @leboizswim as a Prize Sponsor.

Get your teams together and register through https:// competitioncorner.net/events9224

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #prizesponsor #crossfitcompetition #leboizswim #bayswaterteamcup1

Right now you should feel invincible, Powerful, Strong.

Where your focus goes, your energy flows 🔥

Friends that train together 🥰
#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #friendsthatsweattogetherstaytogether #crossfitfriends #fitness #healthybodyhealthymind

Introducing, Team Happy Hippos. Level 1

The Bayswater Team Cup #1

Registration is open via competition corner, link in BIO & For updates, more info please follow our Facebook event page:


@isabellaandueza @carlosfort93 @drlgerrard @ali.valadez


#crossfitcompetition #cfbw #crossfitbayswater #event

**Bayswater Team Cup #1 Announcement**

We are excited to announce @phybaperformance as a Prize

Get your teams together and register through https:// competitioncorner.net/events9224

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #prizesponsor #crossfitcompetition #phyba #bayswaterteamcup1

Bayswater Team Cup #1 - 7 WEEKS TO GO!!!!

Date: Saturday 24th June 2023

Level 1 (similar to RX)
Level 2 (not as hard)
Teams of 4 - MMFF

Registration is open via competition corner, link in BI0 🔗

For updates, more info please follow our Facebook event page:


#crossfitcompetition #cfbw #crossfitbayswater #bayswaterteamcup1

Crossfit Bayswater travelling the world.

Thanks for having us CrossFit Seminyak Bali.

#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #crossfittravel #fitness #crossfittraveler

Building that overhead position 🔥
#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #powersnatch #snatch #gym #fitness #crossfit #healthybodyhealthymind

Throwback to fun in the sun ☀️
#cfbw #crossfitbayswater #funinthesun☀️ #crossfitcrew #running #healthybodyhealthymind #fitness

Introducing, Team Blackburn. Level 1 Team.

The Bayswater Team Cup #1

Registration is open via competition corner, link in BIO 🔗

For updates, more info please follow our Facebook event page:

@taylaade @a.j.jarvis @jackflemingcf @saba_trainingjournal @crossfitblackburn @fitsistersmelbourne

#crossfitcompetition #cfbw #crossfitbayswater #event #crossfitteam

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